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Binance已封禁297个Megadrop女巫账号,其中某账号归集高达9000个小号 真牛逼 螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 难怪一姐说,撸毛结束了 弱弱的问一句女巫账户收回的listdao分给参与活动的人????
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Binance Labs 領投,并获得腾讯和 VISA 支持的 shop to earn 去中心化元宇宙平台 PlayBux。现有首个代币空投活动,明牌空投,持有PlayBux NFT即可获得空投代币 活动说明:
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谢谢@binancezh @yayabinance 邀请😘 12月12日 一起去马尔代夫邂逅币安吧~ 听说马尔代夫是脱单圣地 不知道是不是真的捏🌝 #BinanceCampus#
#BinanceTreats# 万圣节双份糖更甜!🎃🍬💰🧧 @CyberConnectHQ 联合 #Binance# 一起发糖! 完成 $CYBER 任务的用户不仅有机会瓜分3000U等值空投糖果,此推再揪2⃣️同学送币安羽绒服!😻 条件👉🏻:关注 @binancezh & @CyberConnectHQ & @Web3Nina +转推 完成任务👉 ⏰11.03开
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今天彭博商业周刊中文版就 2022 年 7 月第 250 期有关币安的虚假、不准确封面标题发表道歉声明。我们高兴地看到,错误指控已被撤销。我们将继续专注于为用户提供最好的服务和创新,同时努力树立榜样,确保行业健康、持续发展💪。 原文🔗:
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Time for our next AMA! This time, we'll be joined by @Multibit_Bridge, @BRC20com, and @bidprotocol, in learning about their communities and contributions to developing the Web3 space. 📅 March 11 ⏰ 12PM UTC 📍 @Web3WithBinance 𝕏 Spaces Leave your questions in the comments ⬇️
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binance要上 $sats 了啊 昨天大跌提醒兄弟们补仓了 今天直接起飞🛫️ 这叫什么来着 别人贪婪你恐惧,别人恐惧你贪婪🙂 #sats# #ordi# #brc20#
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@binancezh “喵喵喵” 抽我啊!!!!!!!!!!抽!!!!!!!!!我!!!!!! #BinanceCat# #Binance#
I would like to thank everyone for your care and support, be it writing letters, showing support on X, or in any other form. They all mean a lot to me and keep me strong. I will do my time, conclude this phase and focus on the next chapter of my life (education). I will remain a passive investor (and holder) in crypto. Our industry has entered a new phase. Compliance is super important. A silver lining of this whole process is that Binance has been under the microscope. And funds are SAFU. Protect users!
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Access DeFi from the security of #Binance# with our new Web3 Wallet. Trade thousands of tokens across chains at the best prices. Get started 👉
Which key is available on Windows and Linux, but not on Mac?
While you are looking for coins to ape, we have been working on education. Preview of lesson 17 in @giggleacademy. Still in the younger age range, but the lessons will grow over time. Ramping up the team size now.
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You should be alarmed if a person/project uses a selfie with someone else as promotional material. 😂 Posting selfies when I meet someone I like/admire is normal. But I would never use that to promote my project, unless with explicit permission.
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@cz_binance @GiggleAcademy Just tried out the app, amazing job! It's fun, captivating, and ideal for children. Great work, CZ and team!