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おはようございます☔️ すごい雨 みなさん無事であることを祈ります #AIart# #BreakingDown#
あなたじゃ、相手にならないかも。 それでもやる? #AIart# #BreakingDown#
你想與你伴侶嘗試新的性愛體驗? 但是無從入手?怕對方反感? 很多FANS 支持我一段時間後 向他們的伴侶介紹我,介紹情慾自主 打破話題界限,慢慢嘗試新的性愛體驗 就是生命影響生命的情慾自主真諦 你想有新的體驗嗎? Thinking about exploring new intimate experiences with your partner, but not sure where to start or worried they might not be receptive? Many fans, after supporting me, introduce me and the concept of sensual autonomy to their partners. It’s about breaking down conversational barriers and gradually trying new things together. This is the true essence of sensual autonomy one life inspiring another to embrace intimacy and exploration. #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛❤️#
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