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Politicians should not be involved in your retirement investments. We need to increase general literacy about investment, savings, pension, and retirement policies to ensure sound financial and regulatory decisions. Follow us for insights and actions on securing your retirement.
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With my devotion, love, and empathy, I’m committed to ensuring my future husband is always happy. Could I be the perfect bride for you?
Último intento 🥺 apoyen Enseño mis 🍒 TETAS por 1era VEZ? 🤤 Di "Si" y den muchos "❤️" y lo HAGO! 1 like ❤️ = subo VIDEO d mi CUL0 🥵 ( Subí 10 min de video a mi o.f 🔥)
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#ENS# 位置不错,14.2附近买入,止盈可以放在17/19/22,止损12.4
ssv 、ens 复盘:精准埋伏、完美盈利 周末埋伏的预计周三的启动如期而至。 这波 ssv ,大概率是大毛了(3-5倍不夸张),市值还没有质押高。 现货直接拿到新高以上。 #SSV# #ENS#
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策略推荐:ETH生态板块的ENS有待补涨。 召集勇士、策划进攻的时刻。 买入点一:21-21.4(轻仓) 以轻仓开局,如同派遣侦察兵前往敌阵 买入点二:20.5(补仓) 随着战况的进展,加强中军的力量。 买入点三:19.2(补仓) 若战事呈现波折,再度补仓,调动预备队伍,以雄厚的兵力保障战线的稳固,为最终胜利奠定坚实基础。 止盈目标:24-27-31区间 目标区间宛如战役中的三座堡垒,每一次占领都是一次辉煌的胜利。 支撑点:18.5 强平安全点:14.5 形态完成,准备启动! #ETH#
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ENS复盘:精准预测,完美盈利。 21接针,28.4止盈目标完成。躺赚7200u。 恭喜群里上车的小伙伴。
DT情报:足球巨星内马尔购买了两只猴子#NFT## 。他在数字代币和ENS地址上已经花费100多万美元。#nft#
#EnsembleStars# 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 all stars(。>∀<。)
Quieres TETA pequeña? 🥺 Responde Muchos Likes❤️ y las ENSEÑO 🤤 Apoyen🙏 abriré mi pussy en OF 🥵
Some exciting news 🔥 🚀 the $500 referral offer is back for the month of November! All you need to do is refer a creator in the month of November and ensure they earn $500 within their first 30 days on the platform 👀 ⏰
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Me voy a la escuela🥺 Apoyen TODOS🙏 Like ❤️ = ENSEÑO el VIDEO 🔥 Quieres VER? 🤤 Comenta + like❤️ y te enseño mi CUL0 🥵 Comparte Gratis FREE 10min d video in mi O.F🚨
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Último intento 😈 En 6 horas lo borro! Si llegan 5k de Likes❤️ = VIDEO ANAI🍑 enseño cómo ABRÍ mi CUL0🤤 Apoyan? Free video anal🔥
Ensuring the whole world sees every nook and corner of Bharat, one iconic site at a time! In a huge boost for Bharat’s tourism sector, our govt led by PM Shri @narendramodi has today approved 40 projects across 23 states under the Special Assistance to States/Union Territories for Capital Investment (SASCI) scheme, to develop iconic tourist centers to global standards. These projects, worth ₹3,295.76 crore will foster local economies and create employment through sustainable tourism. From decongesting popular sites, integrating advanced technologies, promoting sustainable practices, to encouraging public-private partnerships to enhance infrastructure and visitor experiences, a host of measures will be undertaken to ensure a world-class experience for everyone who wishes to soak in Bharat’s natural, cultural and historic grandeur.
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ENSEÑO A MI SOBRINA @VhaleryReina A COGER POR PRIMERA VEZ mira completo el video 😈😈 Suscríbete y te lo envío de regalo 🎁
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We must ensure that those in positions of power who were responsible for sterilising and mutilating children are not able to disappear off into the sunset and pretend that they never had anything to do with it. We have the receipts. They must face justice.
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Like❤️ + RT= ENSEÑO el CUL0 🍑 Cuál TETAS CHUPAS? Escojan 👅 A= Las mías 🤤 B= Las de mi prima 🙈 GRATIS +13 min video FREE in Onlyf🥵
The @SpaceX @Starlink system will ensure that your phone always has connectivity. No more cell phone dead zones!