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the feminine cannot express itself fully when under stressors: - finances - planning/direction - safety - trust If you want her to maximise her love and feminine potential, it is your role as the man to remove sources of stress from your woman and her environment. if you want her to blossom then you must provide the act of shouldering more responsibility and 'stress' this doesn't have to mean that you stress more for the both of you, it means you absorb the possible sources of stress, and act as the lighthouse in the storm at all times
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iPhone 16系列将在明天发布。 这将是Apple搭载iOS 18的最大发布会。 以下是10个你难以置信的功能 🤯
Starkgate主网/argent x/braavos/layerswap/Orbiter Finance/mint square/Pxls/Aspect,其他dapp也在陆续部署中,starknet生态页面:
🧵( 6 / 9 ) 🔶Vanilla Finance Vanilla Finance 是一个去中心化交易平台,让用户只需 10 美元即可购买 1 个比特币 1⃣关注 Vanilla Finance 的X账号 2⃣在 Vania 充值至少 1USDT,完成关注和充值即可获得 300 积分。 🚪 打开链接点"GO"存款👉大于1u的BTC👉授权(授权成功以后会回到主页,需要再点一次”GO“)👉存入 取出存款: 右上角点地址——Withdraw
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🧵( 5 / 9 ) 🔶Avalon Finance Avalon Finance 是首个将革命性地改变 BTC 领域的 CeDeFi 借贷平台。 在 Avalon 的 Bitlayer 链上存入至少 0.0001 BTC。 选BTC,Details,输入您要供应的资产数量并点击“Supply”。 任务验证后可以在 Dashboard 里随时提出
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🧵( 7 / 10 ) 🔷iZUMi Finance 通过 zkLink 网络完成至少价值 5 USDT 的兑换交易。我们直接用ETH交互USDT,金额大于5u即可。
🧵( 6 / 10 ) 🔷Async Finance 打开网页 mint Async Finance创世 404 NFT-Aurora即可
🎁Airdrop NFT🎁 赢取两张独家「🧙」OG Pass NFT - 每张价值超过80U! SatoPAD Finance是个创新的去中心化IDO平台 🗓️ 下周OG Pass NFT发售! 限量800张,每张0.0019 BTC 🎉 立即加入抽奖,赢取2张OG Pass NFT! 参与方式: 1. 关注 @satopad_fin 2. 点赞、转发、标记3位朋友并留下你的bc1p地址。 3. 加入Telegram群组: 🕒 今晚随时开奖! #DYOR!#
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ARB链上的喔 还可以自己设置key的价格哎 来给大家介绍一款ARB上的Social Finance產品 现在还有双倍交易挖矿奖励 仅限前1K激活的用户喔~ @xchange_web3 官方TG: 目前代币已经上线DEX,后期会上线CEX,里面有内置小游戏,可以体验下 刚激活 价格还不高😛🥳
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Eddy Finance: ✅使用Eddy Finance 进行交易 这个也是比较简单的不是特别难 只需要点开用你刚刚领取的测试币进行交易就可以了(P2 过程挺简单的选择Zeta token换取Eddy ETH就可以啦 之后就可以领取NFT喽~(P3 🧚🏻‍♀️(5/5)
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Sable Finance 是一个在 @BNBChain@Arbitrum 上的去中心化稳定币项目。用户可以通过抵押 $BNB 和 $ETH 流动性质押代币,铸造 $USDS 稳定币。项目即将在 @PancakeSwap 进行 IFO,发行代币。这个早期阶段的机会不容错过,非常值得关注 🥞 感兴趣的今晚7点来参加可欣推特的AMA! 1️⃣ 关注 @isadora288881@sablefinance@kaitlin_sable 2️⃣转发推特 🎟️ 抽5个得奖者,48 小时开奖 额外随机抽取 10 位参加 AMA 的用户,送上代币奖励和 OG 角色,大机率获得早期奖励分发。
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1998年,谷歌和雅虎开启了企业史上最大的战争。 雅虎试图以无情的30亿美元收购来摧毁谷歌。 谷歌的回应?一场令人难以置信的商业教科书式操作,至今还没被深入研究过。 事情是这样的:🧵
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2014年,埃隆将特斯拉的秘密“赠送”给宝马。 所有人都觉得他疯了。 但这个“慈善行为”实际上是企业历史上最无情的商业举动之一。 以下是为什么宝马完全没料到的原因:🧵
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FlokiFi is a suite of decentralized finance products that will be launching under the Floki brand.
GPT-4o 非常强大。 如果你还没使用它,那你已经落后了。 以下是 GPT-4o 提升 10 倍生产力并帮助赚钱的 20 个功能:
Follow these accounts to Win: CEO: @akhilred_ ETFs: @REXShares Investing: @NEOSInvestments Business: @_alexbrogan Finance: @WOLF_Financial Growth: @SelfTSuccess Trading: @InvestingAuth
GBA Finance Show | The third Global Financial Leaders' Investment Summit was successfully held from Nov. 18 to 20 in Hong Kong, attracting around 300 global and regional leaders from over 120 financial institutions to attend. During the three-day event in an exclusive interview with SFC, Jenny Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Franklin Templeton, gave her in-depth analysis on how the rate-cutting cycle will affect global market liquidity and capital flows, how the stimulus measures rolled out by China will invigorate the market, and why Hong Kong will maintain its status as a global financial hub despite shifts in geopolitical landscape and all the macro trends reshaping the industry. #HongKong# #investment# #Finance# @hkmagovhk @FTI_US
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In the world of tech and finance, openness breeds innovation ⚡ “The bottom line is, I think open networks always win... you can be a random dude in your garage and build on top of Lightning and run your own node. I think that has immense value.” - David Marcus, Lightspark CEO Watch the rest of his appearance on the @unchainedcom podcast here:
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Follow these accounts to upgrade your timeline: Stocks: @StockGuruHQ ETFs: @ETFAuthority Investing: @InvestingAuth Market: @Small_Cap_Gems WEB3: @WOLF_WebThree Finance: @WOLF_Financial Trades: @PennyboisStock News: @WOLF_News_
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SFC Markets and Finance | Stefanie Holtze-Jen, Chief Investment Officer for Asia Pacific Private Bank at Deutsche Bank AG, shared her insights on global market trends and investment opportunities. She also emphasized the changing dynamics of global capital flows, and forecasted that China’s economy will continue to present growth potential, with opportunities in innovation-driven sectors and green finance, which are expected to become key growth areas in the coming years. #GlobalMarkets# #investment# #Innovation# #green# @DeutscheBank
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