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Drumrolls, please. 🥁 Witness the ultimate face-off between the brightest minds in the ROLLUP ecosystem when @zksync , @0xPolygon , @OffchainLabs (@arbitrum ), and @AvaLabs take the stage during Zeeve Rollup Day X @ethbkkofficial. ✨ ✨Omar Azhar, Head of BD, @zksync@_ossman_, Senior Manager, Ecosystem Growth, @0xPolygon@BFreshHB, Community Strategist, @OffchainLabs ✨Matt Schmenk, Senior BD Associate, @AvaLabs ✨Dr. @RPChamria, Cofounder & CEO, Zeeve, will moderate this session. These experts will discuss “Whose Stack is it anyway? Face off between protocols in the rollup battle.” 🔗Register NOW: ⌛14 November 2024 #ZeeveRollupDay# #EthBangkok# #DevconSea# #Devcon# #DoitOnZeeve# #ZeeveForRaaS# @apacdao
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The first wave of Zeeve Rollup Day X @ethbkkofficial speakers are here, and it's already FIRE! 🔥 We've got @0xMarcB (CEO, @0xPolygon) @EdFelten (Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, @OffchainLabs), Omar Azhar (Head of BD, ZKSync), @_ossman_ (Senior Manager, Ecosystem Growth, @0xPolygon), @BFreshHB (Community Strategist, @OffchainLabs) and Matt Schmenk (Senior BD Associate, @AvaLabs) ready to dive deep into rollups. But that's just the tip of the iceberg!✨A dozen more industry titans are waiting to be revealed. Don't miss out on your chance to learn from the best and network with the brightest minds in Web3. Head over to 🌟 and register NOW! Limited spots available! ⏳ #ZeeveRollupDay# #EthBangkok# #Devconsea# #Rollups# #Web3# #Blockchain# #Bangkok# #RegisterNow# @arbitrum @avax
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Just 10 days remain for the “Zeeve Rollup Day X @Ethbkkofficial.” 🎯 Sign up with the link below and join the most highly anticipated rollup side event during @EFDevcon Bangkok. 🔥 ✨ #ZeeveRollupDay# #EthBangkok# #Devconsea# #Rollups# #Web3# #Blockchain# #Bangkok# #RegisterNow# @apacdao
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好久没发项目了,发几个吧 1、融资2000W 团队很强 2、币安有投资,融资4000W 3、elixir融资1800W,流动性协议,有节点,有质押 4、farcaster大家都知道 必撸 5、initia全链 Rollup 网络,币安投资,有测试网活动,给积分 6、Particle测试网第二阶段进行活动,融资5000多万U,有一轮新融资还没公布
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交易说明 本次活动交易符合代币为MP 代币或者 MERLIN_BTC 奖励发放说明 成交额 (以等值 USD 计算) 排名前 1,000 的用户将瓜分价值 10,000 USDT 的代币奖励。 Merlin 是由 Bitmap Tech开发的比特币生态Layer2 协议,整合了 ZK-rollup 、去中心化 Oracle 和链上 BTC 防诈骗模组等前沿科技,增强比特币的可靠性以及可扩展性 Merlin 可使用比特币钱包在 Layer1 和 Layer2 之间无缝切换,并支持BTC 与其他代币的互换,而无需切换到以太坊虚拟机器 (EVM) 钱包。 在OKX上交易你的Merlin代币,获取丰厚奖励吧 (3/3)
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