Tweets in Worldwide
其實..想要的不是那種 在海邊看著傍晚的夕陽喝著小酒浪漫的感覺 我想要的是 藉著酒精的發酵下 在微醺的情況下𝒊𝒊 將手指用力的塞進我嘴巴 盡情的在沙灘上摩擦(/ω\) 這種極致浪漫的愛 才能配得上我這種 只想渴望得到救贖的身心靈吧🤍 #這應該是性愛成癮的人心聲吧# #發現哀居真的藏著很多跟我屬性相符的S男ㄝ# IG: ziuu.0117_
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新的作品要來了唷 <人妻出軌日記2> 解禁人妻完全s屬性 @Daguidiyi @DaFoer_ @Fojiangnice
哇 直接有人超前部屬到可以預告ㄌ 真的是驚呆寶寶ㄌ
最近好多寶寶問客製 就先放出來給大家LA 費用是150美~ 🌺照片量40up/短影*2 🌺尺度為ok蹦露暈/下丁 🌺客製你的專屬圖包/與茹討論相對應主題/服裝/動作 有興趣的寶留言收網址嘿
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1028 準時上架 玩具總動員 x @tokumaruYDW 準備好來把貓咪… 移開了嗎 萬聖節🎃比賽專屬尺度 這次只給兩位大神🔞🔞🔞比賽尺度 這本有初次原聲收錄 務必收藏🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 貼心提醒 由於尺度過激 兩本比賽後隨時有機率下架! 請手刀收藏
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還不給我滾過來 jvid客製化圖包還有名額 兩台跑車換你的專屬圖包 還不來換?
❤️召喚茹の爸爸們❤️ 比賽限定活動 懶人包奉上 贈3朵鮮花 🉐️限量拍立得 贈1個鑽戒 🉐️公眾繩縛側拍影片 贈2台跑車 🉐️訂製爸爸の專屬圖包 🔥訂閱VIP衝刺🔥 五月滿一百人 新訂閱寶貝 贈自拍圖包 已訂閱寶貝 贈短影 資深訂閱寶貝 贈自拍+短影 活動5/20 23:59截止
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今天趁著醉意 想玩點刺激的 跟著在酒吧認識的大🐔🐔回家 沒想到他竟然有我喜歡s傾向 😳 #這種霸道的男生真的不要碰因為我全收# #真的把我的m屬性全部激發出來#
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沒想到除了推特還能約到這麽合我胃口的男生…不只把s屬性發揮的淋漓盡致 還可以這麼持久 但其實…我希望在粗魯一點 #好像真的不用在推特上約# #聰明的人都知道要去哪約我了吧# 追我IG:yuyu_o1998
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他一直問我怎麼穿起來騷成這樣….那我怎麼知道嘛….我…我…就長這樣子啊…. 結果後面就被他玩弄到噴水噴到整個床都是….(///▽///) m屬性的我遇到s屬性點滿的男生真的好沒抵抗力…都好想被好好蹂虐一番… #別問我不是要戒慾嗎放棄了啦# #端午連假要到了# #限動辦個端午連續愛愛活動# #敢密我才有機會約#
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奈の最荒淫約愛實錄٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و 誰說成吉思X健身房主管 不玩X的 肚臍下的𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟是黃教練的專屬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨✨性感狂野的男寶寶我還能不允許內射嗎^_^今日份滿足分享給粉粉😚 #黃教練檯面上一臉正經私底下到處射精# #𝐢𝐧𝐬穩聊才有跟我拍不收費約愛實錄機會# 𝐢𝐧𝐬:𝐧𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲_𝟏𝟓𝟖
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強烈的窒息感 嘴巴根本使不上力 我承認 從以前到現在 深喉嚨真的是我的強項 但這次我真的遇到對手了 差點在這場激情戰噎死自己… #這場激戰我算是心服口服了# #成功打開M屬性開關S調教師ig等你調教#
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身為一個超級M屬性的女人 每天都幻想著被狠狠虐待…. 這天你從客廳拿狗鏈拴住我的脖子 讓我感到異常興奮以為就要被粗暴對待時 結果你卻把我拖到浴室裡的浴缸泡澡 棒棒也不插進來一直用手指故意挑逗著我 這種感覺真的很解⋯ 要不是我被你栓住 還不知道腿軟的是誰 #追求粗暴刺激のM屬性女人#(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) #如果你夠S請大方來ig追蹤請求上出現# Ig:ting0222y
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ig相識的有緣粉絲 到了床上徹底開啟凌虐開關… 胸罩被狠狠脫掉 邊抽插邊大力搓揉我的胸部 加上熟練的舌吻技巧認真絕了❤️ 知道我是敏感體質容易出水 快高潮的時候還用手故意玩弄我痘痘那邊 不出意外的結果就是噴整床⋯ #拜託夠會玩的都來調教我好嘛# #S屬性的你們可以出動了# ig:bbrry0110
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#Svet19# 從2023年就有環亞的念頭🌍一直到今年我終於開始執行~雖然我 @bigdickman2019 20萬粉絲的推特主帳號被砍了😳,但還是請小夥伴們持續關注我! 讓我帶領你們走進這趟環亞泰國冒險旅程🏃‍♂️ 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 溫暖的春天抵擋不了泰國的熱情與溫度🥵 在桃園機場即將出發時,我的心情除了興奮、更帶點坎坷不安。 為了環亞之旅我還特地準備了拍立得、環亞筆記本📝讓每一個跟我接觸的人們,可以在這本子留下屬於她的一頁👄 在飛機上時我已經在幻想泰國女人🇹🇭是否像嘴裡的那碗泡麵如此的火辣?(不得不說,越捷航空的空姐真漂亮🫠) 飛機一降落曼谷素萬那普國際機場✈️就感受到屬於「泰國的溫度」聽著周遭陌生的語言,我們叫車機場的大姐也熱情的招呼我們、告知乘車方向🚗 她的笑容帶點些許壞笑感,彷彿在告訴我們~ 『你們接下來的旅途會很精彩!』 #環亞泰國站EP1# 🇹🇭 #40分鐘完整版已發佈全網# #Thailand# #芭達雅# #椰子鬼# #水嫩鄰家女孩Apple🍎# - 以下為ChatGPT 協助翻譯英文版 XD (Below is the English version translated with the help of ChatGPT )- Since 2023, I've been dreaming of an Asia-wide journey🌍, and this year, I'm finally making it happen! Even though my main Twitter account with 200k followers was sadly taken down😳, I still hope you guys will continue to support me! Let me take you along on this epic Thailand adventure 🏃‍♂️. 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 The warmth of spring can't compete with the fiery passion and heat of Thailand🥵. As I stood in Taoyuan Airport, ready to embark, my emotions were a mix of excitement and a touch of nervous anticipation. For this journey across Asia, I even prepared a Polaroid camera and a special travel journal📝 so that everyone I meet along the way can leave their own unique mark in it👄. On the plane, I couldn’t help but wonder if Thai women 🇹🇭 are as spicy as the bowl of instant noodles I was savoring. (Side note: VietJet Air’s flight attendants are stunningly gorgeous🫠.) ✈️The moment the plane touched down at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, I immediately felt the distinctive “Thai vibe.” Listening to the unfamiliar sounds of the local language, we were greeted by a lively lady at the airport taxi stand. She enthusiastically guided us to the pickup area🚗. Her smile carried a playful hint, almost as if to say: “Your journey ahead is going to be incredible!” #ThailandAdventureEP1# 🇹🇭 #Full40MinuteVersionReleasedOnline# #Thailand# #Pattaya# #CoconutGhost# #DewyGirlNextDoorApple🍎#
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#Svet19# 從2023年就有環亞的念頭🌍一直到今年我終於開始執行~雖然我@bigdickman2019 20萬粉絲的推特主帳號被砍了😳,但還是請小夥伴們持續關注我! 讓我帶領你們走進這趟環亞泰國冒險旅程🏃‍♂️ 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 溫暖的春天抵擋不了泰國的熱情與溫度🥵 在桃園機場即將出發時,我的心情除了興奮、更帶點坎坷不安。 為了環亞之旅我還特地準備了拍立得、環亞筆記本📝讓每一個跟我接觸的人們,可以在這本子留下屬於她的一頁👄 在機上時我已經在幻想泰國女人🇹🇭是否像嘴裡的那碗泡麵如此的火辣?(不得不說,越捷航空的空姐真漂亮🫠) 飛機一降落曼谷機場✈️就感受到屬於「泰國的溫度」聽著周遭陌生的語言,我們叫車機場的大姐也熱情的招呼我們、告知乘車方向🚗 她的笑容帶點些許壞笑感,彷彿在告訴我們~ 『你們接下來的旅途會很精彩!』 #環亞泰國站EP1# 🇹🇭 #40分鐘完整版已發佈全網# #Thailand# #芭達雅# #椰子鬼# #水嫩鄰家女孩Apple# 🍎 - 以下為ChatGPT 協助翻譯英文版 XD (Below is the English version translated with the help of ChatGPT XD )- Since 2023, I've been dreaming of an Asia-wide journey 🌍, and this year, I'm finally making it happen! Even though my main Twitter account with 200k followers (@bigdickman2019) was sadly taken down 😳, I still hope you guys will continue to support me! Let me take you along on this epic Thailand adventure 🏃‍♂️. 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 The warmth of spring can't compete with the fiery passion and heat of Thailand 🥵. As I stood in Taoyuan Airport, ready to embark, my emotions were a mix of excitement and a touch of nervous anticipation. For this journey across Asia, I even prepared a Polaroid camera and a special travel journal 📝 so that everyone I meet along the way can leave their own unique mark in it 👄. On the plane, I couldn’t help but wonder if Thai women 🇹🇭 are as spicy as the bowl of instant noodles I was savoring. (Side note: VietJet Air’s flight attendants are stunningly gorgeous 🫠.) The moment our plane landed at Bangkok Airport ✈️, I immediately felt the distinctive “Thai vibe.” Listening to the unfamiliar sounds of the local language, we were greeted by a lively lady at the airport taxi stand. She enthusiastically guided us to the pickup area 🚗. Her smile carried a playful hint, almost as if to say: “Your journey ahead is going to be incredible!” #ThailandAdventure# EP1 🇹🇭 #Full40MinuteVersionReleasedOnline# #Thailand# #Pattaya# #CoconutGhost# #FreshAppleGirl# 🍎
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11月每月寵粉絲 粉絲任務:你的專屬自慰! 新片 加入Onlyfans即看 粉絲任務 DIY!🎉 今次由支持已久的粉絲 Ken策劃 為了慶祝 Ken的生日及升職,我邀請他參加這個任務,讓他決定 DIY 影片的細節。🎈 他希望我穿上他最喜歡的花花 Bikini,在陽光下自摸,並對著鏡頭說出:「你插到我好舒服。」 這是一個特別的挑戰,雖然有點害羞,雖然有點怕醜,就讓大家看看我怕醜! 全片12分鐘 加入Onlyfans即看 Nov Fans Love - Fan Task: Your Exclusive Masturbation! New video available on OnlyFans! Fan Task DIY! 🎉 This time, it's organized by my long-time supporter, Ken. To celebrate Ken's birthday and promotion, I invited him to take part in this task and decide the details of the DIY video. 🎈 He wants me to wear his favorite floral bikini, masturbating in the sunlight, and say to the camera, "It feels so good when you insert it." It's a special challenge for me—I'm a bit shy, but I can't wait to show you my shy side! The full video is 12 mins. Join me on OnlyFans to watch! #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛❤️#
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今天天氣好好,陽光暖暖的照在身上 感覺到活著就已經是一件值得開心的事。🌞 每一天都係一個新開始,能夠感恩自己學懂如何愛自己,真係好幸福。 💖 有時我們只需要停一停,感受一下身邊嘅美好, 就會發現生命中的小確幸原來一直都存在。 祝你哋都可以找到屬於自己嘅平靜同快樂,一齊珍惜每一刻! 🌸✨ The weather is so beautiful today, with the warm sun shining down, and I’m just grateful to be alive. 🌞 Every day is a new beginning, and I’m truly thankful that I’ve learned how to love myself. 💖 Sometimes we just need to pause and take in the beauty around us to realize that the little joys of life are always there. I hope you can all find your own peace and happiness, and let’s cherish every moment together! 🌸✨ #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛#
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🚢 遊輪馬拉松𝟭對𝟭浪漫航程 🚢 𝗘𝗣𝟭 我最喜歡跟你玩情趣玩具 / 𝟮𝟯𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘀 🚢 12/10 發佈 OnlyFans自動續月Fans 專屬🚢 在這一集中,我帶你進入我最喜愛的郵輪世界。看我一邊用玩具,一邊幫你口交。這天我們靠岸,換件輕裝,到熱情的馬來西亞街上隨意閒逛,看看特色的街,喝一杯 虎咬獅,(咖啡+美祿milo),半天的行程很快就過。 回到船上,我們洗澡,準備食晚飯。船上外國人為主,在晚餐前每個人總會精心打扮,充滿儀式感,讓整個氛圍格外迷人。 我也隨著這種氛圍,換上了一件性感的小晚裝,融入其中,非常浪漫與精緻。更衣後,你讚我很美、很迷人。 你邀請我做愛,我取出我的情趣玩具,一起享受,與你一起總是充滿安心感及快樂,在情趣玩具的推進下,我特別投入,特別興奮,一邊用玩具,一邊幫你口交,你還不斷地走來走去,一起探索彼此的慾望和身體,讓人更加放鬆,也更沉醉。 🚢 跟你一起與情趣玩具好好相處,把玩具成為我們愛的幫手,而不是我們的敵人。 #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# 🚢 Cruise Marathon One-on-One Romantic Voyage 🚢 EP1 I Love Playing Sex Toys with You / 23Mins In this episode, I invite you into my favorite cruise world. Today, we docked and changed into lighter clothing to leisurely stroll through the vibrant streets of Malaysia, enjoying the unique sights and sipping on a refreshing "Tiger Bite Lion" (a mix of coffee and Milo). The half-day excursion passed by quickly. Back on the ship, we took a shower and prepared for dinner. The cruise is predominantly filled with foreigners, and before dinner, everyone makes a special effort to dress up, creating a wonderfully enchanting atmosphere. I embraced this vibe and slipped into a sexy little evening dress, blending in beautifully with the romantic and exquisite surroundings. After changing, you complimented me on how beautiful and alluring I looked. You invited me to make love, and I took out my favorite toys for us to enjoy together. With you, I always feel a sense of comfort and joy. As we explored each other’s desires and bodies, the addition of our playthings heightened my excitement and focus, allowing me to relax and lose myself in the moment. Being with you and enjoying our pleasure toys together transforms them into our allies of love rather than our enemies. Join me as we delve into this captivating journey together! Released on 12/10 Only for OnlyFans Renew On Fans
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其實我一直很擔心性慾太強會嚇到人… 好煩..我也不想性慾那麼強啊^_^ 你們都說我遇到的男孩子體力都很好.. 但你們都沒發現我可以做這麼多次也很厲害嗎… 而且很常都是我主動吹很久主動搖很久ㄟ.. 連被後入我都不放過要自己往後撞..有夠色…😵‍💫 #慾女# #你の情慾調教師# #S屬性# #講了你又不信影片我都放IG限動你自己看# IG:yan_an618
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