In her heels, her petite form becomes an irresistible temptation. My heart couldn’t resist the allure she emanates, drawing me closer with every steps.
She was my regular back then, the husband would drop and pick her up after our breeding session.
Scheduled to upload on Wed.
🚨 Japanese Prosecutors to Arrest Bill Gates for Crimes Against Humanity During the Pandemic
In a story that could redefine modern justice, Japanese prosecutors are on high alert, vowing to arrest Bill Gates on charges of crimes against humanity if he ever steps foot in Japan again.
Drawing parallels to the ongoing case in the Netherlands - where Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla face allegations of deceiving the public about COVID-19 vaccines - Japanese authorities are preparing to escalate the fight for justice.
Prosecutors are working to hold Gates accountable for what they allege is complicity in mass murder and a coordinated campaign to kill and maim billions during the pandemic.
🎶 Festival fans 👀 Thailand is calling.
🌃 The country’s booming music festival scene is drawing international attention, with the arrival of marquee events and the steady growth of homegrown concerts:
#Thaimusicfestival# #Thaifestival# #Thaievents#
so many amazing artists have been asking to use my pics as pose references for their drawings lately, and it makes me sooo happy! ^_^ if you’re an artist and want to use me as a reference, feel free to—i would be honored! ♡