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剛剛失戀的男同學 居然無法專心學習 對於這類的同學 老師是一定要挖掘出問題所在 那麼 讓老師 看看是哪裡的問題呢? 居然是不會接吻跟作愛... 那 讓老師教教你好不好? POV超多視角 接吻 肉絲足交 現已上架 A boy who's just fallen out of love can't concentrate on his studies, so the teacher has to find out what's wrong with him.Let's see what the problem is. He doesn't know how to kiss or make love... Let me teach you how to kiss and make love, okay? POV, Kissing, Flesh, Footjob. Now available. ✈️糖心: 📷OF: 📷
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M 和 Double M... 意识是 more & more, more 什么呢?Money, Men, 还是 Make Love? 答案:都是 💕 @luchu888
作品上新 <性爱特辑> 番号《嘿尼 x 艾爷 甜蜜性爱》 完整视频链接在留言区 第一次與嘿尼@36bunnybrownie 性愛瑟瑟 这是我们第一次爱爱 我们彼此都很兴奋 也很享受这次的互动 也是我第一部与女生做爱的视频 我们都很喜欢这部作品 不要错过 艾爷工作室 @abbykitty6666 #支持原创# #拒绝黄牛# AB130 BunnyBrownie x AbbyKitty sweet sex #Love# #sex# #cumshot# #blowjob# #makelove# This is our first time having sex. We are both very excited. We also enjoy this interaction. This is also my first sex video with a girl. We both like this work very much. Don't miss it.
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女人有两张嘴,两副唇,她们的唇处处描绘深渊,是男性记忆中最初也是最终的盘桓之地。黄推是把欲望的谜底赤裸裸揭开,告诉你这即是终极答案。没有精神层面参与的性高潮没有灵魂,是不完整的。We are born to make love. Sex is art. @Daguidiyi @DaFoer_ @Fojiangnice
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I love when pretty sluts make love to my BBC 😍💦
寵粉 旅行之初心 這個姿勢好咸濕 The Origin of Travel This pose is so lewd 我旅行的初心是打扮得精緻,然後去特色景點,再回酒店跟我喜歡的你做愛。 加入Onlyfans即看,無需TIPS每月2號12號22號發佈新影片 The essence of travel is dressing up exquisitely, visiting unique attractions, and then returning to the hotel to make love with you. Join Onlyfans to watch, no TIPS required. New videos will be released on the 2nd, 12th and 22nd of each month. #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# #文淫雅仕女# #情慾自主#
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🚢 遊輪馬拉松𝟭對𝟭浪漫航程 🚢 𝗘𝗣𝟭 我最喜歡跟你玩情趣玩具 / 𝟮𝟯𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘀 🚢 12/10 發佈 OnlyFans自動續月Fans 專屬🚢 在這一集中,我帶你進入我最喜愛的郵輪世界。看我一邊用玩具,一邊幫你口交。這天我們靠岸,換件輕裝,到熱情的馬來西亞街上隨意閒逛,看看特色的街,喝一杯 虎咬獅,(咖啡+美祿milo),半天的行程很快就過。 回到船上,我們洗澡,準備食晚飯。船上外國人為主,在晚餐前每個人總會精心打扮,充滿儀式感,讓整個氛圍格外迷人。 我也隨著這種氛圍,換上了一件性感的小晚裝,融入其中,非常浪漫與精緻。更衣後,你讚我很美、很迷人。 你邀請我做愛,我取出我的情趣玩具,一起享受,與你一起總是充滿安心感及快樂,在情趣玩具的推進下,我特別投入,特別興奮,一邊用玩具,一邊幫你口交,你還不斷地走來走去,一起探索彼此的慾望和身體,讓人更加放鬆,也更沉醉。 🚢 跟你一起與情趣玩具好好相處,把玩具成為我們愛的幫手,而不是我們的敵人。 #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# 🚢 Cruise Marathon One-on-One Romantic Voyage 🚢 EP1 I Love Playing Sex Toys with You / 23Mins In this episode, I invite you into my favorite cruise world. Today, we docked and changed into lighter clothing to leisurely stroll through the vibrant streets of Malaysia, enjoying the unique sights and sipping on a refreshing "Tiger Bite Lion" (a mix of coffee and Milo). The half-day excursion passed by quickly. Back on the ship, we took a shower and prepared for dinner. The cruise is predominantly filled with foreigners, and before dinner, everyone makes a special effort to dress up, creating a wonderfully enchanting atmosphere. I embraced this vibe and slipped into a sexy little evening dress, blending in beautifully with the romantic and exquisite surroundings. After changing, you complimented me on how beautiful and alluring I looked. You invited me to make love, and I took out my favorite toys for us to enjoy together. With you, I always feel a sense of comfort and joy. As we explored each other’s desires and bodies, the addition of our playthings heightened my excitement and focus, allowing me to relax and lose myself in the moment. Being with you and enjoying our pleasure toys together transforms them into our allies of love rather than our enemies. Join me as we delve into this captivating journey together! Released on 12/10 Only for OnlyFans Renew On Fans
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太開心了 先同大家分享 #多人運動世界賽# 韓國Oppa 快樂漫遊 🎤好多Fans問 macy約玩,對方需要什麼「條件」?🤔🤔 我覺得沒有「條件」啦,大家是人不是貨物,我玩 #多人運動世界賽,唯一要求是對方一定要是這個國家的人,不要扮Oppa就可以了,去了別的國家總要試食異國菜,不合口味、年紀大就當嘗試# #老字號# 囉。 別人願意出席參與,已經需要感恩 請大家支持 #多人運動世界賽,用性愛打破人的隔閡,讓世界變得更美好。# #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# Multiplayer Sports World Cup Korea Oppa Happy Meeting Some fans asked me what is my requirements of my players?🤔🤔 I think there are no "requirements". All of us are human, not goods. When I play the multiplayer sports world cup, the only requirement is nationality. We visit oversea. We eat their food. If i dont like or they are too old, i think they are traditional old restaurant. Thanks for join and support. Sex and Love to break down barriers and make love no war❤️
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靈感交換高潮迭起的認識 @angelsam69 Angel & Sam 是一對馬來西亞Couple👩‍❤️‍👨,我在"X"看他們的影片是非常有內涵,淫而不俗又樂此不疲。今次終於有機會與他們相聚👯‍♀️,交換能量。 ☀️Angel 身形很好,愛笑又樂觀🥰,Sam 在床邊的必殺技是體力的考驗💪,我高潮了很多次,是一對很合拍的Teammate,不喜歡扑野,只喜歡做愛。以前長期不享受性愛,後來以「愛」克服性障礙,成為成人創作者,希望面對同樣問題的人可以借他們的經歷,一同克服困難🏔️。 ☀️能跟志同道合的人做愛❤️,整個空間似乎凝結了一切,發現了許多共鳴之處,彷彿是一場靈感的交會。而且,我在他們身上學到新的創作技巧,與他們一起帶給我一種前所未有的啟發。 ☀️有無拍?緊係有啦!影片製作中,請大家期待。 #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# #情慾自主# Inspirational gathering with Angel & Sam A&S is a Malaysian couple👩‍❤️‍👨. I watched their videos on X and their content was very meaningful and interesting. luckily to have the opportunity to gather with them to exchange energy👯‍♀️. Angel is in good shape and cheerful🥰. Sam's nirvana on the bedside is powerful makes me feel good many times💪. They are a very compatible teammate. They don't like "Fuck" but only like to "Make Love". They did not enjoy sex for a long time before, but they used "love" to overcome sexual obstacles and became an adult creator and hoped that people facing the same problem could use their experiences to overcome them together🏔️. We were able to make love with like-minded people❤️, it is likely to have a great gathering. Moreover, I learned new creative skills from them, and working with them brought me an unprecedented level of inspiration. Do we take any video? Sure. Please wait for the video.
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Let’s make love…