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Send and receive serverless encrypted instant messages, create channels, news feeds, transfer files. No Email. No Phone. ...with Utopia #secure# #privacy# #messenger# #p2p#
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#Utopia# P2P mobile app is not only a next-level secure messenger but also has a built-in crypto wallet. Store your #CRP# and UUSD, pay for services on 2000+ online services and websites, seamlessly control all your CRP/UUSD operations on Android devices
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With Utopia, you can communicate with your team, clients, and partners in a secure & private environment. Share sensitive information, discuss confidential matters, and collaborate without any worries. #BreakFree# #PrivacyMatters# #Messenger# #P2P#
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📧EtherMail:全新Web3电子邮件服务平台~💭😘 🫶🏻项目简介: EtherMail 是一个基于以太坊的邮件服务平台,致力于为用户提供完全的收件箱所有权、控制权和主权。其功能包括匿名和加密的点对点通信,用户友好的界面,收件箱管理工具以及可自定义的过滤器。EtherMail 现已拥有超过 300 万连接账户用户,应用下载量超过 80,000 次,每日活跃用户超过 100,000 名。EtherMail 的电子邮件解决方案旨在满足个人和企业的需求,助力去中心化应用(Dapps)的成长。 🏢背景及融资: EtherMail 由经验丰富的企业家 Gerald Heydenreich 创立,已获得 Draper Associates、Fabric Ventures、MS&AD Ventures、Greenfield One 等投资者的支持,融资总额超过 900 万美元。 🦾主要优势: ✅完全匿名和加密的 P2P 通信:无需中介,保护用户隐私,确保信息安全。 ✅用户数据完全拥有和控制:基于区块链技术,用户可以完全掌控自己的数据。 ✅电子邮件盈利:用户可以通过阅读促销电子邮件赚取奖励,将收件箱变成收入来源。 ✅易于分享和记忆的邮箱地址:用户可以更改邮箱地址为更易于分享和记忆的字符串。 ✅高安全性:与传统 Web2 电子邮件服务相比,EtherMail 提供更高的安全级别。 🔥 $EMT 代币经济代币名称: $EMT ⚡️初始流通供应量:6,000,000 EMT ⚡️代币总供应量:1,000,000,000 EMT ⚡️重要日期:$EMT 代币将于 6 月 12 日在 Tier 1 交易所进行 TGE(代币发行)。 🤌🏻如何获得 EMC 空投: 1、开通 EtherMail 账户: 2、安装应用:从智能手机的应用商店下载并安装“EtherMail”,可赚取 500 EMC。 3、设置辅助邮箱地址:赚取 200 EMC。4、邀请朋友:使用您的 afid 链接,每邀请一位朋友可获得 250 EMC(点击帐户右上角的 EMC 图标即可找到)。 🧠社交媒体: Twitter:@ethermail_io Link: 🌸EtherMail 的独特之处在于其安全性和用户激励机制,期待您的参与,让我们一起见证未来邮件服务的发展!~
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小乌龟最新一期白名单出炉,热乎的。Copycat Dex @CopycatFinance是基于PVP AMM的创新P2P衍生协议。金融支持BRC20生态系统,Copycat由 #BinanceLabs# 支持。 🎁抽3个幸运白!!~ ✅赞转评@ 3好友 ✅关注 @CopycatFinanc @Turtsat @isadora288881 想要更多白请加入到dc: 👉 👉 🕙明天早上开奖~ #BRC20# #Bitcoin # #Ordinals# #Turtsat# #BICA#
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In light of recent events regarding Telegram's founder, secure your privacy with a #Telegram# alternative that uses NO central servers. Experience true decentralization. No phone. No email required. Try Utopia Messenger today! #Privacy# #Messenger#
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Anonymous and decentralized p2p network with built-in secure tools Your messages, your business, with Utopia #secure# #privacy# #messenger# #p2p# #bitcoin# #crypton# #crp#
Take advantage of the current Cash Game Giveaway! 🚀 💸 $25,000 in Prizes! 🗓️ Dec 13-22 Play No Limit Hold’em, PLO, or 5PLO and look out for HappyHolidays at your table for a chance at instant rewards. Each visit could mean winning up to 200x the big blind! 🌟 👉 Buy-ins from $2 to $500 🚀 Instant P2P cash credits 🎲 Top Prizes: NL $2: 200x 🥇 NL $5: 100x 🥈 NL $500: 10x 🥉 Get in the game and win big this holiday season! 🎄
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