It's been a while since I worked on a complex project like Star Nemesis Morgana from League. I've focused very hard on video content these last 2 years which resulted in easy to make cosplays meant for performance. So it's very satisfying to return to my roots of building bigger than life cosplays that require all of my skills and more.
I really hope I'll be able to finish the costume in time. All of the props are done but the sewing is no where near finished. Gonna have to pull 12 hour days. Thanks for following my progress and cheering me on.
Here's the neck wings. Designed and printed by me. Wiring by my friend Michael Beltran.
today I started sewing the СС cheese-kun from "code geass". there was no yellow cloth in the store and I had to take an orange on ... please reassure me that cheese can be orange, ahahah :""""D