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还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日纪念一下# 玩推特刚刚好一年
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
没有更新的日子在努力减肥,终于瘦回来啦!穿新丝袜庆祝一下好啦!主人让我在大家下班后留下来拍色色照呢,大家好不好好奇周遭的女生私底下有多反差呢?新的Twitter Circle功能该不该来经营一下呢😜 投稿,谢谢大佬 @CPTOUGAO @CPcoupling @CPcoupling_RC
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还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
三周年好耶,本来打算拍点什么的可是期末太忙了😭 #我的Twitter周年纪念日#
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日# 谁关注了我三年?
还记得你何时加入 Twitter 吗?我知道!#我的Twitter周年纪念日#
#Svet19# 從2023年就有環亞的念頭🌍一直到今年我終於開始執行~雖然我 @bigdickman2019 20萬粉絲的推特主帳號被砍了😳,但還是請小夥伴們持續關注我! 讓我帶領你們走進這趟環亞泰國冒險旅程🏃‍♂️ 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 溫暖的春天抵擋不了泰國的熱情與溫度🥵 在桃園機場即將出發時,我的心情除了興奮、更帶點坎坷不安。 為了環亞之旅我還特地準備了拍立得、環亞筆記本📝讓每一個跟我接觸的人們,可以在這本子留下屬於她的一頁👄 在飛機上時我已經在幻想泰國女人🇹🇭是否像嘴裡的那碗泡麵如此的火辣?(不得不說,越捷航空的空姐真漂亮🫠) 飛機一降落曼谷素萬那普國際機場✈️就感受到屬於「泰國的溫度」聽著周遭陌生的語言,我們叫車機場的大姐也熱情的招呼我們、告知乘車方向🚗 她的笑容帶點些許壞笑感,彷彿在告訴我們~ 『你們接下來的旅途會很精彩!』 #環亞泰國站EP1# 🇹🇭 #40分鐘完整版已發佈全網# #Thailand# #芭達雅# #椰子鬼# #水嫩鄰家女孩Apple🍎# - 以下為ChatGPT 協助翻譯英文版 XD (Below is the English version translated with the help of ChatGPT )- Since 2023, I've been dreaming of an Asia-wide journey🌍, and this year, I'm finally making it happen! Even though my main Twitter account with 200k followers was sadly taken down😳, I still hope you guys will continue to support me! Let me take you along on this epic Thailand adventure 🏃‍♂️. 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 The warmth of spring can't compete with the fiery passion and heat of Thailand🥵. As I stood in Taoyuan Airport, ready to embark, my emotions were a mix of excitement and a touch of nervous anticipation. For this journey across Asia, I even prepared a Polaroid camera and a special travel journal📝 so that everyone I meet along the way can leave their own unique mark in it👄. On the plane, I couldn’t help but wonder if Thai women 🇹🇭 are as spicy as the bowl of instant noodles I was savoring. (Side note: VietJet Air’s flight attendants are stunningly gorgeous🫠.) ✈️The moment the plane touched down at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, I immediately felt the distinctive “Thai vibe.” Listening to the unfamiliar sounds of the local language, we were greeted by a lively lady at the airport taxi stand. She enthusiastically guided us to the pickup area🚗. Her smile carried a playful hint, almost as if to say: “Your journey ahead is going to be incredible!” #ThailandAdventureEP1# 🇹🇭 #Full40MinuteVersionReleasedOnline# #Thailand# #Pattaya# #CoconutGhost# #DewyGirlNextDoorApple🍎#
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#Svet19# 從2023年就有環亞的念頭🌍一直到今年我終於開始執行~雖然我@bigdickman2019 20萬粉絲的推特主帳號被砍了😳,但還是請小夥伴們持續關注我! 讓我帶領你們走進這趟環亞泰國冒險旅程🏃‍♂️ 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 溫暖的春天抵擋不了泰國的熱情與溫度🥵 在桃園機場即將出發時,我的心情除了興奮、更帶點坎坷不安。 為了環亞之旅我還特地準備了拍立得、環亞筆記本📝讓每一個跟我接觸的人們,可以在這本子留下屬於她的一頁👄 在機上時我已經在幻想泰國女人🇹🇭是否像嘴裡的那碗泡麵如此的火辣?(不得不說,越捷航空的空姐真漂亮🫠) 飛機一降落曼谷機場✈️就感受到屬於「泰國的溫度」聽著周遭陌生的語言,我們叫車機場的大姐也熱情的招呼我們、告知乘車方向🚗 她的笑容帶點些許壞笑感,彷彿在告訴我們~ 『你們接下來的旅途會很精彩!』 #環亞泰國站EP1# 🇹🇭 #40分鐘完整版已發佈全網# #Thailand# #芭達雅# #椰子鬼# #水嫩鄰家女孩Apple# 🍎 - 以下為ChatGPT 協助翻譯英文版 XD (Below is the English version translated with the help of ChatGPT XD )- Since 2023, I've been dreaming of an Asia-wide journey 🌍, and this year, I'm finally making it happen! Even though my main Twitter account with 200k followers (@bigdickman2019) was sadly taken down 😳, I still hope you guys will continue to support me! Let me take you along on this epic Thailand adventure 🏃‍♂️. 【Day 1: The Journey Begins — Mar. 13, 2024】 The warmth of spring can't compete with the fiery passion and heat of Thailand 🥵. As I stood in Taoyuan Airport, ready to embark, my emotions were a mix of excitement and a touch of nervous anticipation. For this journey across Asia, I even prepared a Polaroid camera and a special travel journal 📝 so that everyone I meet along the way can leave their own unique mark in it 👄. On the plane, I couldn’t help but wonder if Thai women 🇹🇭 are as spicy as the bowl of instant noodles I was savoring. (Side note: VietJet Air’s flight attendants are stunningly gorgeous 🫠.) The moment our plane landed at Bangkok Airport ✈️, I immediately felt the distinctive “Thai vibe.” Listening to the unfamiliar sounds of the local language, we were greeted by a lively lady at the airport taxi stand. She enthusiastically guided us to the pickup area 🚗. Her smile carried a playful hint, almost as if to say: “Your journey ahead is going to be incredible!” #ThailandAdventure# EP1 🇹🇭 #Full40MinuteVersionReleasedOnline# #Thailand# #Pattaya# #CoconutGhost# #FreshAppleGirl# 🍎
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#我的Twitter周年纪念日# 甚至已经忘了第一条推啥时间发的。。