アジア大会の卓球女子1/8決勝で、会場の観客はチャイニーズ・タイペイの鄭怡静を応援した。In the women's table tennis 1/8 final of the Asian Games, the entire audience cheered Zheng Yijing, a Chinese Taipei team. #杭州亚运会# #AsianGames2023#
The Hangzhou Asian Games in China has set up an exclusive viewing area for spectators using wheelchairs, and volunteers provide entry guidance and other services for the above groups, which is very considerate.杭州亚运会为使用轮椅的观众设置了专属观赛区域,场馆志愿者为以上人群提供入场引导等服务,非常贴心。#AsianGames2023# #China# #杭州亚运会# #文明中国#
Today, my best friend and I went to visit West Lake. The Hangzhou subway is not only clean and hygienic, but also full of Asian Games elements.今日、私は親友と西湖に遊びに行きました。杭州の地下鉄は清潔で衛生的なだけでなく、アジア大会の要素にも満ちています。#AsianGames2023# #杭州亚运会# #大美中国# #美丽浙江#
中国杭州銭塘江の夜景、私はとても船の上で鑑賞したいです、誰が私に1枚の船の切符をあげることができますか?I really want to sit on the boat and enjoy the night view of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, #China# . Can anyone give me a ticket for the boat? 杭州钱塘江夜景,很想坐在船上欣赏,谁能给我一张船票? #AsianGames2023# #大美中国# #杭州亚运会#
机器狗助力杭州亚运会曲棍球,你能打赢它吗?Check out this robo-dog in action! It will assist at Hangzhou Asian Games field hockey venue.動いているこのロボット犬を見て!杭州アジア大会のホッケー競技場に協力する。#杭州亚运会# #AsianGames2023# #China#
中国杭州水郷古鎮。Tangxi Ancient Town was founded in the Northern Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties; It is an ancient town with a history of over 1300 years and is a typical water town in southern China. #杭州亚运会# #AsianGames2023#
Tangxi Ancient Town was founded in the Northern Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties; It is an ancient town with a history of over 1300 years and is a typical water town in southern China. #杭州亚运会# #AsianGames#