有時有人說我是性愛專家, 而我卻說性愛學問是無涯,
Sometimes people say that I am a sex expert, but I say that the knowledge of sex is endless and you can still learn it when you are 99 years old. A fans asked me where I learned about sex. Let me introduce some Taiwanese channels I watch.
曾寶瑩博士性愛諮詢室 - 超實用的簡單知識
嵩馥性健康 - 超實用的簡單知識
性愛教練Jing - 平實的知識,圖文並茂,像烹飪基礎課程,連怎樣摸都有教到
《歡迎光臨撩慾系》手槍女王 袁非的情慾撩撥術 - 比較連貫的示範