颜值夫妻喜欢交友,加密货币投资者!经常出差台北、香港、曼谷、北上杭深。喜欢旅游,去过美国、澳洲、迪拜、日本…等数十个国家,只交高素质的朋友。可OTC安全出入金 加Amy私人vx门槛666/1314/9800 微信交友群🚪666
Joined January 2022
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第一次海外探店:泰国曼谷日式按摩店,不光是男生可以去玩,还可以夫妻情侣一起去!去之前最好先预约,联系方式在影片最后 First time visiting a Japanese massage parlor in Bangkok, Thailand. Not only men can go there, but couples can go there too! It is best to make an appointment before going. The contact information is at the end of the video. #曼谷# #泰浴#