Macy Chan 情慾自主實踐者 | Desire Liberty
#打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# 情慾自主 坦誠面對慾望 更易擁抱愛 性愛生活實錄 去污名化 暴龍妹 Real Sex | Desire Liberty | Unconditional Love #Swinger# #雙性戀# #成人內容# #香港AV# #廣東話AV# #香港Onlyfans# @macychanhk
Joined November 2021
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太開心了 先同大家分享 #多人運動世界賽# 韓國Oppa 快樂漫遊 🎤好多Fans問 macy約玩,對方需要什麼「條件」?🤔🤔 我覺得沒有「條件」啦,大家是人不是貨物,我玩 #多人運動世界賽,唯一要求是對方一定要是這個國家的人,不要扮Oppa就可以了,去了別的國家總要試食異國菜,不合口味、年紀大就當嘗試# #老字號# 囉。 別人願意出席參與,已經需要感恩 請大家支持 #多人運動世界賽,用性愛打破人的隔閡,讓世界變得更美好。# #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛# Multiplayer Sports World Cup Korea Oppa Happy Meeting Some fans asked me what is my requirements of my players?🤔🤔 I think there are no "requirements". All of us are human, not goods. When I play the multiplayer sports world cup, the only requirement is nationality. We visit oversea. We eat their food. If i dont like or they are too old, i think they are traditional old restaurant. Thanks for join and support. Sex and Love to break down barriers and make love no war❤️