Get ready to cut sniping costs with $NOTI 🔫
With the $NOTI token launch approaching, we’re bringing extra perks for holders. The more NOTI you hold, the bigger the discount you receive on transaction fees when sniping 🤝
The utility comes with 6 tiers:
Tier 1 (5,000 $NOTI): 10% off sniping fees
Tier 2 (20,000 $NOTI): 25% off sniping fees
Tier 3 (100,000 $NOTI): 40% off sniping fees
Tier 4 (250,000 $NOTI): 50% off sniping fees
Tier 5 (500,000 $NOTI): 65% off sniping fees
Pro Sniper (1,000,000 $NOTI): ZERO fees sniping!
Which one are you grabbing?