歡迎進入我的秘密花園⛲️ 日常小號@caicaiones 糖心: umate: onlyfans:
Joined October 2022
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開了許久的飾品專賣店卻沒有賣出幾單 面對供貨商的催款 壓力倍增的菜菜該怎麼辦 只好帶著走進店裡的客人走進了VIP客戶服務房間 「飾品女銷售的獨家營銷方式 」 腳戒 黑絲 灰絲 隔絲 裸足 最後站立射在了高跟鞋上 超長時長 全新的裝扮與玩法等你解鎖 展開全部點擊鏈接觀看唷 The jewellery boutique has been open for a long time, but it has not sold a few orders. In the face of the supplier's demand for payment, what should CaiCai do? She had to lead the customers into the VIP customer service room. "A unique marketing method for women's jewellery sales." Foot ring, black silk, grey silk, spacer silk, bare feet, and finally cumming on high heels. Long duration, new costumes and gameplay to be unlocked. ✈️糖心: 📷OF: 📷