Tweets in Worldwide
What's going on with my IG account? Even though I regularly post photos and stories, and the interaction on each photo is still at a stable level but I'm constantly losing followers and can't reach new followers 🥲 They're also deleting bots right? Not bc I'm boring right? 🥲💦
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WONHO 1st Mini Album Part.1 <Love Synonym (#1#) Right for Me> 선공개 곡 'LOSING YOU' MV 공개📽 지금 바로 감상하세요💗 ▶️ ▶️ #원호# #WONHO# #LOSING_YOU# #Love_Synonym# #Right_for_Me#
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Last Day💋 Few Hours Till July Ended! Thank you for loving my cosplays for this July As Well ❤️Luv U! ❤️❤️❤️ ps: Theres still time left before 12am gmt+8 !
Democrats are massively outspending Republicans, have almost the entire legacy & online media supporting them and almost all of Hollywood. And they’re still losing 🤣🤣
过去两个礼拜我在北京和内蒙古探亲。我正常使用推特油管gmail outlook等美国社交媒体和软件,我很兴奋的跟美国的朋友分享我旅游的点点滴滴,我也没耽误给我俩女儿注册新学期的球队活动,工作上当我的组员有紧急问题时,我也可以及时的沟通和处理! 我本人从来不用任何VPN,也严格遵守当地法规,我只是正常开通我美国手机号码AT&T的漫游服务,加了一个international day pass (unlimited talk text 和data, 每天12刀,一个月最多算10天钱,第二个人还半价,所以我和我老婆我俩180刀一个月(她在国内待的时间长)。然后就实现了第一段所描述的国际互联,我们一家享受中国假期的同时,美国的生活和工作的安排也可以远程处理,不受任何干扰! If you are an international traveler worried about losing contact with your friends or colleagues from your home country while traveling in China, consider using AT&T International Day Pass or similar services. This way, while enjoying the delicious food and beautiful scenery in China, you can stay connected with all your friends and continue using all the apps you regularly use! So come and visit China! Enjoy exotic charm! (如果你是国际游客,担心在中国旅行期间跟自己本国的朋友或同事失联,可以考虑AT&T international day pass 或类似的服务,你在享受中国美食美景的同时,也会正常链接你的每一个朋友使用每一个你常用的软件!)
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are you losing no nut November? 🤭
You better start loving yourself or I'll do it for you 😉 #AzurLane# #アズールレーン# #プリンツ・ハインリヒ#
Are you losing no nut November? 😉
can i be your anal loving girlfriend?
He losing his mind in that pussy pt. 2 🤣🍑
1 or 2 🔥 ¿Which is your favorite? 🔽FREE PASS CLICK HERE:
🚨Meltdown by Axios CEO Jim VandeHei. VandeHei goes on a rant about Elon telling X users “You are the media now”. "My message to Elon Musk is b*llshlit. You're not the media!" Two things are going on which are triggering Jim VandeHei 1) He is losing audience, his revenue is in decline and his business model is failing. 2) They are furious that X users (with a much larger audience) are able to so easily destroy the fake narratives the legacy "news" media pushes. People like Jim VandeHei used to be able to gatekeep on what is news and what the "facts" are. But they lost their credibility with years of lying, Now with people on X able to expose the lies, it is driving them crazy.
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As a European, supporting Elon and X isn't always easy with the media constantly trashing him and X with their nonsense. Prepping my family Christmas dinner speech to set the record straight. Here are my notes for my fellow Europeans. - Most of you rely on legacy media and haven’t actually listened to a long-form conversation with Musk. If you had, you’d know he’s not the “creepy billionaire” you’ve been led to believe he is. He’s trying to understand the universe, the meaning of life, and what’s really going on. - Elon values truth and honesty. He strives to be as truthful as possible. If you stop listening to what the media says about him and start paying attention to what he actually says, you’ll see this too. - His bigger goal? Transitioning humanity into a multiplanetary civilization to extend the lifespan of consciousness. Why? To give us enough time to figure out the answers to the big questions. Now about X: - Free speech is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy. Open dialogue lets us share ideas, critique governments, and hold power accountable. X brought this back when it was slipping away faster than ever. It’s the single biggest recent contribution to democracy. How can you not agree with that? - “But people spread fake news on X!” --> COMMUNITY NOTES! It’s shocking how many people still don’t know about this. Community Notes is an open-sourced tool that adds context to potentially misleading posts. Notes are rated for helpfulness by contributors with diverse viewpoints, ensuring objectivity and broad agreement. No one is immune to it, not even Elon. It’s a proof point that X truly aspires to truth. - Community Notes is the most powerful tool to combat fake news on social media, a massive societal challenge. So why isn’t your friend Mark Zuckerberg rolling this out across all his platforms immediately? Or why isn't he open-sourcing the home feed algorithm like X did? A misunderstood innovator: - Say what you want about him, but Elon gets things done. He built the first successful reusable rockets with SpaceX, revolutionized electric vehicles with Tesla, and is pushing solar energy. People doubted him every step of the way, but he consistently delivered on what most thought was impossible. - He's motivated by challenges, not money: unlike most billionaires, Elon reinvests the majority of his wealth into solving problems like sustainable energy, space colonization, and AI safety. He doesn’t even live in a mansion, he rents a small house near SpaceX. Broader context: - The media hates him: Musk is a disruptor. Legacy institutions (media included) don’t like losing control, so they demonize him. The backlash against Musk is a reflection of these power struggles. - X challenges monopolies: Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok operate as monopolies with little pushback. X is forcing them to innovate or become obsolete. - Cultural shifts: X represents a shift away from performative “safe” spaces to real, open conversations. That’s uncomfortable for some but necessary for progress. Enjoy your Christmas dinners! :)
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He losing his mind in that pussy 😂🍑
Losing a sports bet with me and my pussy might end up on your face
005:第3次见面女大破处后还流血恢复一下只能玩玩阴蒂 The third time we met,the female college student was still bleeding after losing her virginity,she could only play with her clitoris 完整视频 3min full video Full video and more videos⬇️ 支付宝银联订阅⬇️
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遊輪馬拉松1對1浪漫航程  Cruise Marathon One-on-One Romantic Voyage  謝謝你們喜愛我的新嘗試 沒有你們支持,我想我不能再繼續做下去 Thank you all for loving my new endeavors. Without your support, I wouldn't be able to continue this journey #打一個有內涵嘅飛機# #做一場平等嘅愛❤️#
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