James O'Keefe
Director, “Line in the Sand,” Tucker Carlson Network. Guerrilla Journalist. CEO of OMG @okeefemedia. Founder, Project Veritas (CEO ‘09-‘22) SIGNAL: 9144919395
Joined October 2008
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BREAKING VIDEO: Top Pentagon Advisor Reveals On Hidden Camera Conversation “with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do” to ‘Protect People from Trump’ Confirms Secret Meetings regarding AI: “That is sensitive information… We’re going to have to keep it between us…”
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“I PROBABLY SHOULDN’T BE SAYING THIS OUT LOUD;” @NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were "COMPLETELY MADE UP” "I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t.” Adds, "We're all going to learn [about vaccine safety] when it's too late," as Pfizer & Moderna "are just getting a bunch of money… Vaccines were accelerated through the approval.” ‘We fly under the radar of being scrutinized…I don't think I have too much to worry about.’ Trump victory “worse for the NIH.” “It would be better for a Democrat to be in office.” @pfizer @moderna_tx @RobertKennedyJr @RenateMyles @DrJBhattacharya
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