⚖️ A decentralized arbitration protocol for disputes in the onchain economy. We're Hiring! $PNK |
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🇦🇷 Argentine Media Covers Kleros & Mendoza Partnership 🤝 JusMendoza: "Kleros: A Tool That Enables Digital Jury Trials" @PrensaJudicial Infobae: "Mendoza's Justice System Tests Tech Tool That Can Resolve Cases in Two Days" @infobae Diario Judicial: "What's Coming: Decentralized Justice" @diariojudicial Diario Uno: "Mendoza's Justice System Tests Kleros, a Global Community That Resolves Private Disputes" @diariouno Los Andes: "How this tool allows any citizen to be a juror and resolve minor cases in just two days" @LosAndesDiario
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🔮 Prediction markets are taking CT by storm, but the hype leaves key questions unanswered: ⏵ How are these markets actually settled? ⏵ Which problems need to be solved? ⏵ Which untapped opportunities should be explored? Let's dive in. @seer_pm
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